By Susan Mitchell
As the strike by writers and actors in Hollywood and worldwide continues, the Lord is pouring outstanding grace over his creative people. Get ready! In solidarity, our blog has been frozen for a season, but we are moving forward now and seeing a dramatic shift in the destinies of our clients to regain birthrights stolen from their family lines, with a rise in prowess, favor, and access to divine tools, counsel, and encouragement.
“For, behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing [of birds] has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard [openly] in our land. The fig tree puts forth and ripens her green figs, and the vines are in blossom and give forth their fragrance. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away!” Song of Solomon 2:11-13 (AMPC)
A rowboat bobs on the edge of a dock, with kingdom in sight across an expanse of water. We know where we long to go…
In particular, for all of you who long to use myth and fantasy to reveal timeless truths about God and heavenly journeys that can only be told by story and metaphor—we urge you authors, filmmakers, composers, lyricists, poets to tell the Lord right now that you want to claim your whole birthright. In addition to hurdles from the secular world, the church itself has resisted and offered its own stumbling blocks, judging and sanitizing the workers who have been called to this field. We don’t agree with their judgment.
Some of you have struggled to bring forth the quality in your creation that you yearn for but that remains elusive. Kudos to you for still trying because you have the vision for what you are trying to land. Others of you were told that your early pieces were outstanding, but their debut or sequels were received with lukewarm approval and compensation by gatekeepers or audiences. Or maybe you just aren’t sure how to stop relying on your own strength and invite God into your creative process. There are discernible spiritual reasons for all of these issues, and you may need to do some work to address them.
Your heavenly father longs to orchestrate the pieces of your life to bring your kingdom assignments to fruition. He wants to propel you into the marketplace and establish you in the Zone where you feel the Father’s great and sustained approval, pride, and love in your artistic endeavor—as you are working! Let him recover the treasure, clear the obstacles, and place you squarely in the oasis of what he designed you for.
The True Self part of your heart holds all of these hopes and dreams. If you feel thwarted in any large or small way in your career, and you want help to see what is holding you back from the promised “abundant life,” please ask the Lord if he wants you to book an appointment with us.